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Rave Strategies and Loyalty

7 Strategies to Create Raving Fans and Loyal Clients

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We ever noticed how often people talk about customer relationships or customer support? It, all of the time. It seems there's always a new term cropping up to explain how we connect to clients. I'm positive that you use your term also. We are encouraged to stop traditional broadcasting and push marketing to become agents in the world of viral videos, technology, and new media. Seriously, who can keep up? We all want is a group of folks who love what we do and how we do it, sort of our brand evangelists. Sounds great, huh?

Here is the age-old question that has been building companies since business building started: are you searching for more customers?

Allow me to be exact. I don't mean more visitors on your storefront or more page views on your site. I'm referring to real live clients who keep coming back for more. I am not talking about the men and women who listen to you. I'm referring to the men and women who cover you and do so graciously. They pay for your service or product, see the worth in it and continue to tell everyone they know about you. Once more, sounds good! Who would not want more customers like this?

What builds a successful, thriving business is a community of faithful, engaged, engaging, and paying customers-real men and women who need to be a part of what we do. If that is your goal, look at my seven approaches to create an environment of raving fans and loyal clients.

1. Create a Feeling of Community. People like being in the business of others that are like-minded. People do not stay where they are not valued. Create value in your offline and online environment so that people recognize how important they are to your company everywhere they look. Everybody wants to belong to a group where they feel valued and accepted. Everyone likes to feel important. If people feel comfortable and valued, they link and usually purchase.

2. Provide Your Customers Incentives. Regardless of the purchase, everybody likes to feel as if they got the best price possible. Create a WOW factor with each offer. Pack in value and appropriate content that's engaging to any living human being who reads it. Don't sell your services and products. Educate your prospects on how and why to get them. If you show them how it will make their lives or work more comfortable, easier, or more productive, you are closer to getting them to spend. Offer statements that produce your prospects self-qualify. The purpose is to make the customer say: "Yes I certainly need that. How do I sign up?"

3. Build Authentic Relationships. I wouldn't say I like automated customer support lines. I consider this kind of impersonal process of customer support as merely annoying. I want a real man on the other end of the telephone to greet me. I would be willing to wager, so do your clients. When you're speaking to your clients over the telephone, listen more than you talk. Learn more than you instruct. Research such as Google Analytics and other information might let you know what customers do, but it will not tell you why. One thing for certain, your clients will let you know exactly what they think if you just request their feedback. I recall when I first started out in media sales, it was tough. I was green and unsure about my effectiveness. 1 technique I mastered was getting my clients to grade me. I'd simply ask, "So what grade would you give me and why?" That simple question taught me that our clients are brilliant in showing us what they love, hate and what causes them to change their minds. In the process, I built relationships and learned a lot.

4. Become A Resource. Supply relevant, timely and intelligent information that will position you as a resource as well as specialist. If you are the first to offer your clients insight on breaking news in your business in addition to theirs, you have put yourself a step above the audience. They give and receive more referrals. The people who know everyone and are known by everybody are generally the ones who receive the best chances. To put it simply, they get more perks. Becoming educated about a little bit of everything gives you an edge.

5. Supply an Experience Based On Customer Input. Invite your clients to indicate, design and possibly lead to new promotions or initiatives. It is funny how engaged clients become when they're given a chance to design a new logo or mascot or write a jingle for a commercial. Do not be afraid to allow consumers to drive the train. Enable them to teach, learn and play alongside other people that love your brand. Spoil your clients by making them a part of an experience they won't ever forget. Customers are those who help build our companies.

6. Honor and Celebrate Your Brand Ambassadors. Brand Ambassadors are the men and women who refer other company to you and introduce you to their friends and so forth. Make certain to show and inform your ambassador's why you appreciate their company by pointing out the core values you share. Create a client of the month marketing. Find a way to show your appreciation for people who are loyal and help you along. Be unforgettable. Show gratitude. Be more generous than they ever expected you to be. Trust me, the law of attraction will work in your favor on this one. You'll realize that you'll bring in clients who reflect those attributes back.

7. Become A Brand Ambassador. How many clichés are there for this one? I will just use one. How about, "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." The significant principle here is the golden rule; doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Becoming a new ambassador for your clients will cause a win-win position for you and them. If you're sending your clients, customers and they're doing exactly the same, everybody wins.

All the above strategies point to a central theme about what attracts and retains customers: caring about them. Customers are the individuals who fuel our growth as company owners. They have the power together with their devotion to help or hurt you. Loyalty is all about relationship. No other company asset is stronger than customer loyalty. Having lovers is cool. Having raving fans is significantly better.